International Small Islands Studies Association




New Massive On-line Open Course (MOOC) on “Pathways to climate change adaptation: the case of Small Island Developing States”


UNEP in collaboration with the University of Geneva and the National Adaptation Planning Global Support Programme, is opening a new Massive On-line Open Course (MOOC) on “Pathways to climate change adaptation: the case of Small Island Developing States”.
This on-line course is free and open to everybody. No specific requirements are needed. It starts on 26 January 2015.
This 5-week course (about 4 hours per week) provides a thorough introduction to the issues surrounding climate change adaptation using a case-study approach.

International experts from academia, international and non-governmental organizations will help you answer questions such as “Why is adaptation to climate change necessary? Why are small islands particularly vulnerable to climate change? How can we analyse climate risks? How can adaptation contribute to sustainable development goals? How can Ecosystems Based Approaches be used? ”

More details, trailer and link to sign up for the course at the following URL:

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